Monday, August 16, 2010

Giant Zucchini Visits the Library

This little zucchini went to the library,
This little zucchini stayed home,
This little zucchini ate shredded paper,
This little zucchini had none,
And this little zucchini hid in the garden until he wasn't a little zucchini anymore...

It's easy to overlook a squash that lurks way back in the tangled mass of vines and leaves in the vegetable patch. One day, there's a beautiful orange squash blossom, a few days pass without checking the harvest, and voila: The Zucchini That Ate Berkeley Heights is revealed.
 Earlier this summer, I had the bright idea of using shredded library paper as mulch, so into the vegetable patch went old publisher catalogs, book promotions, maybe a book review or two. I imagined that my vegetables would soak up all that knowledge through some kind of mulch-osmosis. Think what this zucchini knows; it could take a shift on the Reference Desk, lead a book group, explain the Dewey Decimal System clearly... the possibilities are as endless as a warped imagination can ponder. Oh, about that Masters of Library Science, would it be a para-professional zucchibrarian, or a pro? Hard to say what goes on in the zucchini patch.
Related books: Backyard Giants, the passionate, heartbreaking, and glorious quest to grow the biggest pumpkin ever by Susan Warren.

Watch the video of the Giant Zucchini's visit to the library

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