Recently, the BHPL First Friday of the Month Book Group discussed Geoffrey Chaucer's Canterbury Tales. To read the full text online there are several websites including http://www.librarius.com/cantales.htm
and from Harvard University an illustrated Chaucer course online at http://www.courses.fas.harvard.edu/~chaucer/cantales.html
BHPL Patrons can listen to the text being read in the original Middle English by going to our new music database, Music Online from the Alexander Street Press. From our homepage, click on the Remote Databases link, login with your barcode and pin, and search for the Canterbury Tales in the database search engine. It sounds to me like Sid Caesar doing one of his famous gibberish languages, Swedish in this case. (No offense meant to speakers of Swedish or Middle English or Sid Caesar fans for that matter.) See what you think. It can be followed along with a little practice if you keep a window open with the full text while listening to it.
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