Thursday, March 13, 2008

Andy Warhol, Mozart and Whales

At Zosia Zaks' workshop on autism last night (did you know Andy Warhol showed signs of autism?), she recommended a few good autism-related books and web sites:

Autistic Adults Picture Project
Look at pictures of and learn about people on every level of the autism spectrum.

Mozart and the Whale: An Asperger's Love Story, by Jerry and Mary Newport, with Johnny Dodd. (OK, so Zosia recommended the movie, but BHPL has the book. We can get you the movie through interlibrary loan if you'd like.) The book is located in nonfiction at 362.196 NEWPORT.

Thinking in Pictures: and Other Reports From My Life with Autism by Temple Grandin. Temple Grandin's visual abilities and childhood obsession with cows eventually led to her designing humane livestock-processing systems that have been widely adopted. The book is located in the biography section under GRANDIN.

Elijah's Cup by Valerie Paradiz. One of the first autism mother narratives, by the mother of Elijah, who has Asperger syndrome. This should be available in a couple of weeks at the library.

Life and Love: Positive Strategies for Autistic Adults by Zosia Zaks. Zosia covers everything from coping with sensory overload at grocery stores to dating. Located in nonfiction at 616.8588 ZAK

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