Tuesday, June 12, 2007

Books for Dad on Father's Day

Howard Shirley of BookPage wrote this piece recommending books that would be good gifts for Father's Day. At the top of the list is the ubiquitous Dangerous Book for Boys. Shirley writes:
"Reading The Dangerous Book for Boys by brothers Conn and Hal Iggulden is like coming across an old trunk in an attic. The book is full of forgotten treasures, tantalizing challenges and bits of history, science and adventure sure to stir the hearts of boys. It's not a book you read in order, but a wonderfully jumbled collection of surprises. There are instructions for folding "The Greatest Paper Airplane in the World"; building tree houses, go-carts and electromagnets; making and shooting a bow and arrow; speaking Navajo; finding north with a watch; and on and on. Mixed in are tales of great battles; the adventures of explorers, fighter pilots and mountain climbers; primers on grammar, Latin, astronomy, insects and trees; along with advice on everything from first aid to talking with girls—the sort of things, say the Igguldens, that every boy should know."

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