Buried treasure – Occasionally while sorting through our
collections, we stumble upon some hidden gems. Most recently we have been organizing
our Health and Medicine collection – lots of books on diet and wellness
including low carb, low cholesterol, and vegetarian (New Year’s Resolutions,
anyone?). We have loads of books and
DVDs on a wide variety of exercise programs – pilates, yoga, tai chi and many
more. Plus, tons of informational books on a variety of specific issues – heart disease, autism, diabetes, and back
pain - just to name a few.
A few hidden gems we discovered recently:
The ACL Solution: Prevention and Recovery for Sports’ Most Devastating Knee Injury by Robert G. Marx, MD. A “must-read” for athletes, coaches and
soccer moms. Includes prevention strategies, surgical options, and exercises to
help recovery.
Moments of Clarity: Voices from the Front Lines of Addiction and Recovery by Christopher Kennedy Lawford. A member of
the famous Kennedy clan, Lawford fought his own demons of drug and alcohol
abuse before becoming sober. Here, he has collected more than 40 stories,
mostly from celebrities, who tell of the moment they realized that their life
had to change and outline their journey to sobriety. Included are Alec Baldwin,
Judy Collins, Richard Dreyfuss, Jamie Lee Curtis, Katey Sagal, and Martin

Doctor, Your patient will see you now by Steven Z. Kussin. A serious car accident ended this author’s 30-year
career as a physician. His experience as a patient gave him a unique
perspective on how to choose a doctor
and hospital and negotiate the ins and outs of the health care system.
My beef with meat: the Healthiest Argument for Eating a Plant-Strong Diet by Rip Esselstyn. – A former national
champion swimmer and firefighter makes the case for a plant-based diet. Lots of
recipes included.
Macular Disease: Practical Strategies for Living with Vision Loss by Peggy R. Wolfe – Living well with
vision loss - Filled with tips on how to organize and adjust your living space,
how technology can help, and advice on how to handle social interactions and emotional
well-being. Beneficial to anyone experiencing vision loss, not only those with
macular degeneration.
Look for these and other medical and health books in Dewey numbers 610 - 619 in the library's non-fiction collection. Or ask at the Reference Desk for consumer health information, books, articles and best health websites to use.
-Jennifer Manns
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