Wednesday, December 28, 2016

Atomic Training: learning technology with online tutorials

Does your smart phone seem smarter than you? Do you want to start a blog? Are you curious about how to get organized using Evernote? Are you under-utilizing your Firefox browser? Does Microsoft Word drive you nuts and what are all those options anyway? Are your spreadsheets adding up or just staring back at you mutely? Do you want to tidy up your email account and take back your iPad from your grandchildren? These and other vexing questions will be answered by watching short videos on Atomic Training, free from the Berkeley Heights Public Library.

To use this online resource,  go to our All Things E page
Click on Atomic Training to learn new technology and computer skills online by signing up for a free account using your Berkeley Heights Library card. No need to troll through You Tube to find the best video to learn how to master technology, Atomic Training has videos on hundreds of topics.

A video-based how-to training resource, Atomic Training opens up unlimited access to thousands of short videos covering more than 500 of today's most popular software applications on both PCs and Macs, including:

·    All the latest offerings — Microsoft, Apple, Adobe, Google, and more
·    Valuable job training — Improve job skills with in-depth training on Excel and Photoshop
·    Learn valuable social media techniques with tutorials on Twitter, blogging, and podcasting
·    Mobile training — Learn how to use mobile products such as the iPhone and iPad
·    Access anywhere — Watch videos at the library or remotely from home
·    ADA Accessibility — All videos are closed captioned Accessibility Statement

A full list of courses can be found here (copy and paste this link into your browser)

Call the Reference Desk or stop by with your phone, tablet or laptop and we will get you started.

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